All accepted papers in ICMSETM 2023 will be published in IEEE Xplore/Scopus Journal/ Web of Science Journal.
All the extended papers will be published in SCIE/ PubMed and impact factor Journals.
All the extended papers will be published in SCIE/ PubMed and impact factor Journals.

The Engineering Technology Open Access Journal is a prominent online publication that covers a wide range of topics within the field of Engineering Technology.
Our SciTech Conference Xplorer journals encompass areas such as telecommunications, computer science, management in engineering, architectural design, manufacturing, performance validation, and the application of high-precision machines, instruments, and components.
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- Article Translation
- References
Plagiarism Policy & Publication Ethics
- Note that plagiarized articles will be rejected (Must be 10% below including references).
- Copying of contents from other articles is strictly prohibited.
- Only articles with 70% original content should be submitted with the expectation of being accepted for our conferences and journals.
- ICMSETM keenly discourages plagiarism in research articles, proposals and thesis submitted to us.
- All articles submitted to ICMSETM first undergo a plagiarism check before being sent to our editorial board for review.
- Articles failing plagiarism check will be subjected to rejection.
Terms & Conditions
- Plagiarism articles should be below 10% (including references).
- Copying of contents from other articles is strictly prohibited.
- Review reports have to be answered by the author accurately. Malpractice will not be tolerated.
- The Publisher reserves the right to require payment before publishing.
- Payment is due upon receipt of invoices.
- All bank charges are payable by the customer.
- Any Plagiarism, Poor Figures, Flawed Science, and Uneven quality may lead to the rejection of the paper.
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